Members of the network
Economics in Context Initiative
The Economics in Context Initiative (ECI) is focused on enhancing the learning of economics through an inclusive and interdisciplinary approach. They believe that our understanding of the economy must be rooted in the social, environmental, historical, institutional, and political contexts. They call economics that takes account of humanity's social and physical environments "contextual economics."
The ECI promotes human well-being (rather than growth) as the central goal of economics and advocates for economic analysis based on broader concepts of well-being, equity, and ecological sustainability. They aim to contribute to the understanding of some of the key challenges of the twenty-first century including global climate change, economic inequality, the limits of market-based policies, financial instability, and gender and family issues.
They provide a variety of learning materials including textbooks on principles of economics and environmental economics, free teaching modules, articles, and working papers, with the goal of developing an understanding of the real world that is more open, engaged, just, and socially conscious.
Exploring Economics
Exploring Economics is an open access, e-learning and teaching platform on pluralist economics. You can discover, study and teach a variety of economic theories, methods and topics. The idea for Exploring Economics was developed by the Network for Pluralist Economics (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.). Launched in December 2016, the open-access and bottom-up e-learning platform is today driven by an international team of partners, editors, students, and lecturers, with numerous opportunities to participate.
Institute for New Economic Thinking
The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is a network of economists and thinkers from a range of disciplines who challenge conventional wisdom and advance ideas to better serve society. They produce & fund research that challenges economic orthodoxy. They inform & educate to change the conversation about major economic problems and policy. And they host events that bring together scholars, students, and policymakers from around the world.
Through the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI), INET provides support to students, young professionals, or others who embrace new and critical ways of thinking about the economy. YSI fosters conversation among those who wish to engage with new economic thinking and connects young scholars to the Institute’s vast network of economists. The backbone of YSI is more than 20 topical Working Groups. YSI has more than 6000 members and hundreds of events take place every year.
Finally, dive deeper into all the great resources and content by exploring INET.
Rethinking Economics
Rethinking Economics is an international network of students and recent graduates building a better economics for the classroom, with the support of academic allies. By organising campaigns, events and engaging projects, Rethinking Economics connects people globally to bring about economics education that is pluralist, realistic, diverse and decolonised. They want to transform economics towards pluralism and create the economics education of the future that delivers answers to today’s most pressing problems.
School of Political Economy
In no other academic discipline do students so regularly, and so widely, express deep dissatisfaction with the content of what they are taught. However, for a range of reasons, reform of the economics curriculum has, thus far, been incredibly slow and modest. In addition, university courses are often unacceptably poor in terms of the quality of teaching and course design yet is nonetheless very expensive. Given the problems just described, the School of Political Economy (SPE) was established in 2019 to simply bypass economic departments, and the university system in general, by offering high-quality tertiary-level courses in economics education at reasonable cost.
SPE's courses are pluralist and interdisciplinary, seeking to create a level playing field for the contest of economic ideas and to more clearly illuminate how economics articulates with other academic disciplines. This approach not only allows students to make more informed choices between schools of thought, but it also enhances their capacity to combine schools of thought in order to produce more intellectually robust analysis and policy recommendations.
SPE is suitable for any student, academic or member of the general public who cannot otherwise access a high-quality introduction to economics. SPE’s role within the New Economics Education Network is synergistic: creating competitive pressure on universities to lift their game, demonstrating to universities the strong demand that exists for a reformed economics curriculum, building the capacity and confidence of university students to push for curricular reform, assisting academics to formulate and teach a reformed curriculum, and informing working economists of what they have missed out on in their previous education and what they should be looking for when employing other economists.
The Centre for Economy Studies
The Centre for Economy Studies works on improving and modernising economics education to ensure that students will be better prepared for their future careers and the societal challenges we face today and in the coming decades.
The Economy Studies approach to economics education emphasises the importance of real world knowledge, engaging teaching formats and independent, critical and open-minded thinking. Their website and book Economy Studies: A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education describe the approach in more detail and how it can be applied to existing courses.
To enable teachers to renew their courses, they also provide open access ready-to-use teaching packages with lesson plans, slides, readings, classroom exercises, and exam questions.
In addition, they provide workshops, tools and on-going support to educators and students on how to rethink economics education.
Please let us know, if you miss an organization working on improving and changing economics education.